Sacred heart of Jesus

Loja Paz de Fátima

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Sacred Heart of Jesus in ivory.

Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I surrender and consecrate my life, my actions, pains and sufferings to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, so that I use my body only to honor, love and glorify the Sacred Heart.
This is my definitive and only purpose: to be all of God and do everything out of love for Him; at the same time, renounce, with all my heart, anything that does not please him; in addition to taking you, O Sacred Heart, so that you may be the only object of my love, the guardian of my life, my insurance of salvation, the remedy for my weaknesses and inconstancies, the solution to the errors of my life and my refuge insurance at the time of death.

O Heart of Kindness, my intercessor before God the Father and free me from His wise wrath. O Heart of Love, I put all my trust in you, I fear my weaknesses and failures, but I have hope in your divinity and goodness. Take away from me everything that is bad and everything that does not do Your holy will. Allow Your pure love to be imprinted in the depths of my heart, so that I do not forget or separate from You. May I obtain from Your beloved kindness the grace to have my name written in Your heart, to deposit in You all my happiness and glory, to live and die in Your kindness. Amen.