Saint Jude Thaddeus

Loja Paz de Fátima

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Saint Jude Thaddeus in ivory.

Patron Saint: Of desperate or lost causes

Prayer to Saint Jude Thaddeus (urgent cases):
Saint Jude Thaddeus,
Glorious Apostle,
Faithful servant and friend of Jesus!
The Church honors and invokes you throughout the world
as Patron of desperate cases
and Business without remedy.
Pray for me who am desolate.
I beg you, make use of the privilege
That you must bring immediate help,
Where help almost completely disappeared.
Assist me in this great need,
So that I may receive consolations and help
From heaven in all my needs, tribulations and sufferings.
Saint Judas Thaddeus, I will always remember this great favor
And I will never stop praising and honoring you as my special
And powerful patron
And do everything in my power
To spread Your devotion far and wide.
Saint Jude Thaddeus pray for us.
Pray an Our Father, a Hail Mary and Glory be to the Father.