Saint Anthony

Loja Paz de Fátima

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Saint Anthony in ivory, bronze.

Responsory of Saint Anthony:
If you want miracles,
I turned to Santo António;
You will see the devil flee
And the infernal temptations.

The lost is recovered,
The harsh prison is broken
And at the height of the hurricane
Give way to the angry sea.

Through your intercession
Plague, error, death flee,
The weak become strong
And the sick man becomes well.

It is repeated: Recover what was lost…

All human evils
If they moderate, they withdraw,
Let those who saw it say so,
And the Paduans say so.

It is repeated: Recover what was lost…

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit…

It is repeated: Recover what was lost…

V: Pray for us, blessed Saint Anthony.
A: So that we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.

LET US PRAY: Eternal and omnipotent God: You wanted your people to find in Saint Anthony of Lisbon a great preacher of the Gospel and a powerful intercessor. Grant us the grace to put his teachings into practice, so that we deserve to have him as a guide and protector throughout our lives. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.