Our Lady of Guia

Loja Paz de Fátima

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Our Lady of Guia in ivory.

This prayer is especially recommended to open the paths of our life and to be successful in business.

Make the sign of the Cross

The Celestial Court perpetually sings your praises,
O Queen of Angels and Saints, Sovereign, merciful and merciful.
You are the refuge of sinners and that is why I come, contrite,
ask you for your intercession with your son, Our Lord Jesus Christ,
forgiveness for my sins,
and the grace to avoid the evil paths that lead to perdition.
I beseech you, Lady, for your assistance in my existence, your protection in my activities,
your support in my business,
the favor of opening my eyes, my intelligence,
so that I may understand where my salvation is,
What resources should I use to avoid being unsuccessful?
Keep away from me the enemies, the dishonest, the men without faith and without charity.
Grant me a good disposition of soul and body,
so that I can direct my interests,
and so that you never refuse help to those who need bread and material or spiritual help.
Give me patience, perseverance, fearlessness in the face of obstacles.

So be it.

Immaculate Mother, pray for us.
Kind Mother, pray for us.
Admirable Mother, pray for us.

Pray 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and 1 Hail Queen.